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Ed Miller was a slightly gruff man with a passion for propagation. He became a Master Gardener in 1985. Propagating thousands of plants in his years of gardening to give away was his joy in life. Many “older” Master Gardeners including myself received plants that Ed brought to monthly meetings and many residents of local nursing homes also received some of his “babies.

During his years of gardening, Ed also collected garden books some of which were 1st editions. He wanted his books to remain together for the use of the Cobb Master Gardeners. A plan was worked out and his books were put into storage until a proper space was found. When the Extension office moved to its present location, there was a room for Ed’s books.

A large group of Master Gardeners worked on this project including Cheryle Kerr, Barbara Gross, Jan Lawson, Kathy Albritton, Jim Christensen, myself and others. The goal is to keep Ed’s books available for research and the everyday use of the Cobb Master Gardeners.

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